How I’ve planned for a slower, more reflective year

I'm a big planner. I love a goal and I love to achieve things. At the end of last year when I asked you what you'd love to know about me, I was asked how I plan my year and approach goals and reflections. 

Every year I do a brand review to check what is and isn't working for my business, brand and marketing. I'm a big believer that you can't look ahead without knowing where you are. Once I’ve done my review, I then do a brand plan for the year which sets out the projects I want to work on, in relation to the goals I've set myself.

This year is a little different. I've had a busy few years since the Covid pandemic and have possibly overachieved in a couple of places. My business has moved quickly and I'm happy with where it is now. 

So this year I've planned my year a little differently, and I thought I'd share how I’ve planned for the year ahead for anybody who doesn't want to start the year with huge goals and plans and wants to ease in gently.

Start with a review

As I've already shared, I did my brand review at the end of last year and reflected on how things were last year.  I decided I wanted 2024 to be a year of reflection and to enjoy what I've built, with no goals or plans… just see where the year takes me. 

I don't want to dive head first into the year but instead want to enjoy what I've created for myself. I think it's all too easy to keep pushing on as a business owner and not enjoy what you've achieved. Having moments of pause every so often is important to give yourself that recognition, and a review of how your business and brand is working at the end of each year is a great way to start thinking about the following one. I decided to have a whole year being content with, and proud of, where I currently am in my business.

I decided to be self-employed so I could design a business around the lifestyle I want so this year is about reconnecting with that and making sure Honest Folk is sustainable and gives me the future I want.

A focus for the year

I love to set my focus for the year ahead with a word. You have to describe what the word means so you know you’ve chosen the right one. Doing this exercise really helps me to know what I want from the year ahead. It's often a word that describes how I want the year to feel. 

But not this year.

At first, I chose the word capacity but I decided this was too business-focused. It was too focused around on me being able to do things. 

On reflection, I've changed my word for 2024 to allow. What will I allow myself to do? For example, if a project comes in that I'm not sure about, will I allow it in? It's a more personal choice to help me focus on myself in my business and my life outside of work- which is why I started Honest Folk in the first place!

Decide on your projects

This is where I'd usually set out the projects I want to complete, but this year I'm not setting anything and just going with the flow. I have a few things on my list such as ‘catch up with existing work pals’, ‘write case studies’ and ‘read Do Open’ but I don't want to put any pressure on myself so haven’t set any timings. I want to see what opportunities come up this year instead. 

This is going to be the hardest thing for me this year, as I’m a big planner and love to have something to aim for. But I think stopping and allowing things to just be is an important lesson to learn in business, as the noise around us is always chattering on about self-improvement, business growth and more. It can be easy to lose sight of what you want.

If you're looking for something a little more structured for yourself in 2024, I wrote about how to create your Brand Plan around this time last year

Reflect regularly

I like to have a quarterly review. I usually break my year down into quarters so it feels much more manageable and less like a mountain to climb. It helps me to see if I've set myself too much to do and need to ease off.

The questions I’m going to ask myself at the end of every quarter this year are:

What went well?

What’s not gone as well as you hoped?

What else have you learned?

What (if anything) is missing?

What do you now need, or want, to change?

What will I: 

  • Start?

  • Stop?

  • Do more of?

  • Do less of?

My focus this year is less on big projects, and more on the quarterly reflections to help me become more aware of how I want my business to be going forward. I'll do a variation of these every month to keep checking in, and the idea is that by the end of the year I’ll have had a year where I really appreciate my business and will be really clear on any changes I want to make the year after. 

I know this time of year can be hard for some of us with so much online about starting the new year as you mean to go on and ‘smashing’ your goals. With so much noise, especially in January, it can be easy to get swept up in what others say you should do and how you should run a business. 

To have the business you want, it's important to reflect and keep your long-term vision in mind. If you've not got it written down, make that a must-do January job! It’ll keep you focused and give you something to help make decisions in your business.

If you're not sure where to start, I can help you to get some clarity and focus in your business and brand. Book in for a virtual brew with me and we can get to know each other and chat about where you want to be.

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